This is a demake of "Phasmophobia" with built-in splitscreen support. I reimagined it in the style of the first raycaster - games.

How To Play

Player 1 Controls
Arrows to move
X for X (Change equipment when you're in the van)
C for O (Open the Journal when you're out of the van)
Player 2 Controls
ESDF to move
A for X (Change equipment when you're in the van)

You start out in the Menu where you can choose a Job or read the instructions again. Once you've chosen your map you spawn in the van. This is also the place where you choose your equipment. Stand in front of any of the three instrument types ( EMF, Spirit Box or thermometer) and press X(x on keyboard) to equip. 

Search the whole area until you notice strange things happening. Enter all the evidence you find into your Journal (Press O(c on keyboard) to open). Once you've found enough evidence the journal might suggest a ghost type. If you want to lock that result in press "Let's Go" and see wether your investigation was succesful.


This was mostly a tech demo using Afbus Pico-8 raycaster engine. Thx for letting me use it! It was fun to create Splitscreen modifications to suit my usecase.

This is not at all asociated with the original Phasmophobia and purely a fan game. There is no monetization on it whatsoever, no possibility for donations or anything. 

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